Development of a new Adult Education Strategy 2025 – 2030 is launched

Development of a new Adult Education Strategy 2025 – 2030 is launched   One of the core activities of the project “Implementation of the European Agenda on Adult Learning in North Macedonia”, led by the Adult Education Centre as appointed national coordinator for implementation of the Euorpean Adult Learning Agenda, is the development of a […]

Implementation of the European Agenda on Adult Learning in North Macedonia

Adult Education Centre as national Coordinator for the implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning received a grant from the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) for implementation of the project: “Implementing priorities for the European Agenda for Adult Learning – National Coordinators for the implementation of the Agenda”. The goal of this […]

English – Conference “What have we done and what should be done for the education of Roma by the end of the Decade for Roma Inclusion 2005-2011?”

Director of the Adult Education Center Ms. Ljindita Qazimi will attend the conference entitled “What have we done and what should be done for the education of Roma by the end of the Decade for Roma Inclusion 2005-2011?”.The conference was organized by the association Roma Business Information Center in Macedonia, in cooperation with the National Roma Centre and HIDZRI “Anglunipe” and with financial support from the embassies of the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Finland. The aim of the conference is to encourage and strengthen public dialogue among all relevant […]

English – Promotional event for the project “Support for capacity building of the Adult Education Center”

On 5 December 2011 in the faculty of philology “Blaze Koneski” Skopje, was held a promotional event for the project “Support for capacity building of the Adult Education Center, development of programs for adult education and literacy programs and completion of primary education the excluded”, which is  under the IPA Operational Programme component 4 – Human resurse development. […]

English – Internal promotional event of the project: Support for capacity building of the Adult Education Center

In addition to the promotional event ” Support for capacity building of the Adult Education Center, development of programs for adult education and literacy programs and completion of primary education for excluded persons“on December 6, 2011  an internal promotional event was held in SETU Mihajlo Pupin – Skopje. The event  began with  the speech of the director of the Adult Education Center, Ms. Lindita Qazimi, and presentations were  held by Mr. Jean Bifenoar, project leader from France, Ms. Carmen Sains, project leader from […]

Restauration and rehabilitation of traditional dwelling

Part of the Twinning Develop of Adult Education, the Centre for Adult Education launches a Pilot Programme leading to Skills certification focused on the Restoration and Rehabilitation of Traditional Dwelling. Our option is Training on Worksite in the surroundings of Skopje. Our approach is competence- oriented, a third of the time devoted to the theory andtwo thirds to practice […]