Development of a new Adult Education Strategy 2025 – 2030 is launched


One of the core activities of the project “Implementation of the European Agenda on Adult Learning in North Macedonia”, led by the Adult Education Centre as appointed national coordinator for implementation of the Euorpean Adult Learning Agenda, is the development of a new Adult Education Strategy 2025 – 2030.

This measure aims at supporting the Adult Education Council as a body in charge for strategic planning as a contribution toward mid-term strategic policy definition in order to increase participation of adults in adult education and lifelong learning through continuous improvement of the framework conditions and creation of an enabling learning environment, in line with the comprehensive national education priorities, as well as with European trends.

The process will be participatory and will consist of consultations and involvement of all relevant actors and stakeholders. The delivery of the AE-Strategy is planned for the first half of 2025.

Other measures which are part of the project, on which Adult Education Centre has been actively working as well, are:

– digitalisation of the process of verification of programs for non-formal adult education;

– training of teachers and trainers working on delivery of verified course programs for non-formal adult education;

– capacity building of the Regional Centers for Vocational Education and Traning for their responsibilities in the process of Validation of non-formal and informal learning


– promotion of the European Year of Skills and the Pact for Skills on national level.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Adult Education Centre. Neither the European Union nor the Adult Education Centre can be held responsible for them.