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PI Adult Education Center- Skopje and the Employment Agency of the Republic of Macedonia signed a Memorandum of Cooperation
PI Adult Education Center- Skopje and the Employment Agency of the Republic of Macedonia signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. The Memorandum is in regard to the implementation of the pilot measure in work teams for the acquisition of specific knowledge of English language for the catering service provided in the Operational Plan for active measures and employment programs for 2010.
Instruction for completion of vocational education in the municipality of Aracinovo
In the municipality of Aracinovo were assigned 109 certificates to participants who successfully completed the first year of trading scrape, technician for trade and management. Participants continue to follow the second year in 2011.
Strategy for Adult Education 2010-2015
Ministry of Education adopted the Strategy for Adult Education 2010-2015. The Strategy indicated the following strategic objectives, for whose implementation in the period from 2010 to2015 all stakeholders in adult education should focus their efforts: Strengthening the system of adult education through the development of information and statistical system for monitoring the educational mobility of adults; Creating the conditions so that lifelong learning and mobility can become a reality; Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training of adults; Promoting equality, social cohesion and active citizenship; […]
Cooperation between PI Adult Education Center – Skopje and UNDP
The Adult Education Center – Skopje and the UNDP signed a Memorandum of understanding. The Adult Education Center in cooperation with UNDP held a presentation on 30.11.2010 on the subject: adult education-a key element for efficient labor market. In this event participated with presentations MA Pineva Svetlana, the Director of the PI Adult Education Center and Dr. Angela Atard, an international consultant from Malta, who presented the proposed model- useful instruments for the work at the PI Adult Education Center.
Strategy for Adult Education 2010-2015
The Council for Adult Education has set The Strategy for adult education 2010-2015. This document defined the strategic objectives on whose realization in the period from 2010 to 2015 will be focused all stakeholders in the field of adult education.
Cooperation between PI Adult Education Center – Skopje and DVV International
PI Adult Education Center- Skopje and DVV International (Institute for International Cooperation of the German Association of public universities – subsidiary of Skopje) signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. In the period September – December 2010 PI Adult Education Center in cooperation with DVV International (Institute for International Cooperation of the German Association of public universities […]
Information meeting in the municipality of Tetovo
Within the twinning project “Support for capacity building of the Adult Education Center, development of programs for adult education and literacy programs and completion of primary education for excluded persons” on 20th December 2011 in the spaces of the municipality of Tetovo will be held a meeting with the city mayor, Mr. Sadi Bexheti and the Director of the Adult Education Center Ms.Lindita Qazimi. Also in this meeting will participate representatives of the twinning project. The meeting will focus on promoting cooperation of the PI Adult Education Center with the competent department of education in the […]
Start of the second phase for completion of vocational education in the municipality of Aracinovo
On December 12, 2011 at the “Gjergj Kastriot Skenderbeu” primary school in the territory of the municipality of Aracinovo began implementation of the second stage of completion of vocational education for adults. The second phase will include 263 candidates interested in the commercial field, technician for trade and marketing. Instruction will be realized by the teachers of secondary school “Cvetan Dimov”-Skopje. On this occasion at the “Gjergj Kastriot Skenderbeu” school his address to the candidates had the Mayor of Aracinovo Mr. Bastri Bajrami, the drector of the Adult Education Center- Skopje, Ms.Ljindita Kazimi and the deputy minister of education and […]
KONFINTEA 6 in Action
On 16th March 2011, in the Centre for Conferences and Studies at the National and University Library, was held the event of KONFINTEA 6 in Action, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science and the offices of DVV International in Southeast Europe. The event was also attended by representatives from the Adult Education Center – Skopje. Within KONFINTEA 6 in Action was open the discussion related to “Belem framework for action”, drawn up at the 6th World Conference of KONFINTEA UNESCO on […]
Workshop to prepare operational guidelines under the “Self-Employment 5” 2011
From 8th to 10th March 2011 in Ohrid, was held a workshop for the preparation of operational guidelines under the “Self-Employment 5” 2011, organized by the UNDP Project Office. The workshop was attended by a representative of the Adult Education Center- Skopje. The center is included within the training measures for certain occupations that are deficient in the labor market and program support to Roma. In 2011 it is planned to be implemented the following programs of the “Self-Employment 5”: Self-employment Program, the Program for Formalizing existing businesses, support program for additional employment in firms registered within the […]
Always a good time for learning: Final conference of the Action Plan for Adult Education
A representative from the Adult Education Center- Skopje participated in the conference :it’s always a good time for learning: Final conference of the Action Plan for Adult Education organized by the European Commission, held in Budapest from 7th to 9th March 2011. The aim of the conference was to present the activities that are made in the previous three years in the field of adult education, according to the Action Plan, and to provide guidelines for the next ActionPlan for Adult Education.
Workshop:” Work and training”
On 16th may 2012, in the secondary school Kole Nehtenin in Stip a workshop titled as ” Work and training” has been organised. main speaker on the workshop was French expert Ms Colette Simon Ramillien Twinning Project: “Support to the capacity building of the Centre for Adult Education and development of programmes for adult education […]
Workshop: “Partners for project”
On March 21, at the Chamber of Crafts in the city of Skopje, the Twinning project within the Adult Education Centerorganized a workshop on: Partners for Project Key experts in the workshop were Ms. Colette Simon Ramilienand Mr. Francis Levy. AGENDA Morning (from 9:00 to 12:00) Plenary presentation of the missions of AEC and activities under the Twinning project Presentation of the program for the workshop Presentation of a case study for partnership Working subgroups: thinking about […]
WORKSHOP: “Methodology a tool to identify the difficulties of the target public”
On the 21st February in the premises of the Аdult Еducation Centre a workshop on “Methodology a tool to identify the difficulties of the target public” has been organized. Мain speakers were French expert Mr. Jean Christophe Ralema and Spanish expert Mr. Jose Lara. Objective of the workshop : How to implement a methodology to […]
Informative meeting on twinning project
Today at the Ministry of Education and Science on the request of the representative of General Directorate for Employment, Mr.Camacho will be held a meeting with representatives from the IPA unit of the Ministry of Education, VET Center the PI Adult Education Center. Proposed agenda of the day are: the progress of the Twinning project, […]
Promotion of guidelines for providers of Adult Education
Today on 28/12/2011 at the premises of the Ministry of Education was held a press conference to promote two brochures: Handbook for the verification of special educational programs for adults and Licensing Handbook for adults educational institutions . The press conference was attended by the minister of education and science, Mr.Pance Kraljevo, Director of PI Adult Education […]
Study visit to the Education center Viznek Buhenbah, Germany
Europe in Focus: Macedonia’s entry into the EU as a task to adult education Director of PI Center for Adult Education Ms.. Lindita Kjazimi will attend a study visit in Education center Viznek Buhenbah, Germany, in the period from 1st – 10th September 2012. Host this visit is a provincial center for political education of […]
Awarding of certificates of completion of vocational adult education in the Municipality Aracinovo
Ministry of Education and Science in cooperation with the Center for Adult Education – Skopje in May 2010 started the implementation of the Adult Education Program in Municipality Arachinovo. The first phase of the consultative instructive teaching included 140 candidates aged 15 to 25 years with only primary education. For successful realization and implementation of […]
Study visit in Paris
Within the IPA project organized a study visit to France, Paris in the period of 03-09 June 2012, which was attended by Director of the YU Center for Adult Education Ms.. Lindita Kjazimi part of employees of the center. Aim od study visit to France, Paris was to introduce the French system of adult education […]
In the framework of the Twining IPA project was organized a study visit in Madrid, Spain in the period from 22 to 27 October 2012, in which participated the director of the Adult Education Center Mrs. Lindita Qazimi and part of the employees of the AEC. The purpose of the study visit in Spain was […]
Literacy Pilot Programmes start to work
From November 2012 to June 2013 up to 90 people will be trained in six different places of Macedonia in basic literacy skills. Different kind of excluded persons will attend these literacy programmes such as single parents, young offenders and Roma people. During the first week of October the local teams in charge for Literacy […]
Information on Adult Education in Cair
An event to mark the start of the implementation of the Adult Education Program Chair, which will be held on 26 September 2012 at 12 00 pm, at the Secondary Cvetan Dimov Chair. The purpose of this program is to establish a vocational education in Cair, which will allow participants of the program have gained […]
Meeting Ms.Natasa Siveska at AEC premises
A meeting was held on 20thSeptember 2012 in the premises of CAE with Ms Natasa Sivevska, Executive Director of Textile Trade Association (TTA) and the CAE staff to exchange about the possibility to set up a Pilot Program in Textile sector as part of the EU twinning project. Ms Sivevska share the main training needs […]
Albanian – Restauration and rehabilitation of traditional dwelling
Part of the Twinning Develop of Adult Education, the Centre for Adult Education launches a Pilot Programme leading to Skills certification focused on the Restoration and Rehabilitation of Traditional Dwelling. Our option is Training on Worksite in the surroundings of Skopje. Our approach is competence- oriented, a third of the time devoted to the theory andtwo thirds to practice […]
English – Restauration and rehabilitation of traditional dwelling
Part of the Twinning Develop of Adult Education, the Centre for Adult Education launches a Pilot Programme leading to Skills certification focused on the Restoration and Rehabilitation of Traditional Dwelling. Our option is Training on Worksite in the surroundings of Skopje. Our approach is competence- oriented, a third of the time devoted to the theory andtwo thirds to practice […]
Albanian – Partnership seminar-progress and processes
On 15.11.2012 in the premises of the Chamber of crafts of the city of Skopje, Adult Education Center in the framework of the EU Twinning Project “In support of the adult education”, has organized a “Partnership seminar-progress and processes”. Director of Adult Education Center, Ms Lindita Qazimi was present on the seminar and on her […]
English – Partnership seminar-progress and processes
On 15.11.2012 in the premises of the Chamber of crafts of the city of Skopje, Adult Education Center in the framework of the EU Twinning Project “In support of the adult education”, has organized a “Partnership seminar-progress and processes”. Director of Adult Education Center, Ms Lindita Qazimi was present on the seminar and on her […]
Albanian – Meeting with representative from the textile sector
A meeting was held on the 1st November 2012 in the premises of Astibo Fashion Group (AFG) in Stip, provided by Mr Vencislav Filipov, Executive Manager of AFG and President of theTextile Trade Association (TTA). The participants were Mrs. Natasa Sivevska, Executive director of the Textile Trade Association, Mrs. Emilija Ivanovic, Center for Adult Education, […]
English – Meeting with representative from the textile sector
A meeting was held on the 1st November 2012 in the premises of Astibo Fashion Group (AFG) in Stip, provided by Mr Vencislav Filipov, Executive Manager of AFG and President of theTextile Trade Association (TTA). The participants were Mrs. Natasa Sivevska, Executive director of the Textile Trade Association, Mrs. Emilija Ivanovic, Center for Adult Education, […]